
Summarize the top ten keywords of China’s lighting industry in 2018

In 2018, the border is breaking, everything is changing rapidly, and these ever-changing times are tonality, and we need to break the routine and re-examine everything. In the past 40 years, China’s tremendous changes have been overwhelming. It is inevitable that there will be new problems in the LED industry journey, and new development will inevitably face new challenges. At the same time, integration and symbiosis are the true nature of this. Adapting to the times is the future that should be in place. LED lighting companies are on the sidelines, and they are climbing in the innovation breakthrough.

We have summarized the top ten keywords in the lighting industry. Perhaps, through these hot words, you can feel the pressure of lighting companies and the courage they face when faced with difficulties.

Trade war

Many people in the industry have told the media that the trade war has not had much impact on the lighting industry. In fact, it can only be said that there is no direct impact. As the saying goes, there are eggs in the nest, and even the pillar industry real estate has cooled down. Who can really stay out of it? De-leveraging has made it more and more difficult for private enterprises to raise funds, and the rising cost of financing is the direct cause of the decline in net profit of many companies. Together with the reduction of infrastructure projects, it is even more damaging for companies that have been struggling with PPP mode. . The LED lighting enterprises with a market value of 100 billion are now less than 50 billion, and there are more than half of the evaporation. The knife that cuts the waist can be said to have cut all lighting companies.


Affected by the stock market crash in 2015, the state issued a policy to encourage listed companies to make acquisitions. The lighting industry has thus started a wave of acquisitions. In 2018, the acquisition of the target company’s performance has expired, which has caused a series of problems. Lack of deep integration of gambling acquisitions, in the face of the deterioration of the economic environment, the ability to withstand risks is obviously weak, coupled with the negative effects of the impairment of goodwill, resulting in a large number of corporate performance face. Previous blind and leveraged buyouts also opened up gaps in the company’s capital chain, causing the break of the corporate capital chain, which eventually led some companies to change their minds.

Equity pledge

In recent years, more and more shareholders of listed companies have obtained cash flow through equity pledge, almost to the extent of “no shares without pledge”. In the LED industry, most listed companies have carried out equity pledges, of which 9 companies have a pledge rate of more than 80%. Affected by the bear market in 2018, the risk of equity pledge market is concentrated. Listed companies are generally caught in a liquidity predicament and face a risk of exploding, which has a serious negative impact on the stable and healthy development of the entire financial market and the real economy. The state attaches great importance to this, slams the brokerage firm and introduces relevant policies, and also allocates real money to help mitigate short-term liquidity risks. Even so, many enterprises still eventually change their ownership because of the break of the capital chain.


In the economic crisis, if there is money, it is awkward. Although it is still not an economic crisis, it is an indisputable fact that the environment is getting worse. In the second half of the year, the money shortage has become more and more serious, and the anxiety of finding money has spread to the hearts of all lighting enterprise managers. On the one hand, banks are getting harder and harder to borrow money, and the cost is getting higher and higher. On the other hand, the assets held in their hands are depreciating constantly. The blessing of the blessings is not alone. The lighting companies are not only getting less and less money, but also making it harder to make money. The third quarterly report shows that the proportion of companies with double revenue declines has soared to 50%.


Since 2018, affected by the stock price trend and policy changes, A-share listed companies have increased the amount of repurchase for equity incentives and market value management. More than 1,000 companies in the A-share market have announced stock repurchase plans, and 714 repurchase agreements have been implemented, with a total repurchase amount of 44.307 billion yuan. The number of repo companies and the scale of repurchase have all reached the highest level in history. In the LED industry, Liad, Han’s Laser, Sanan Optoelectronics, and Zhaochi’s shares have repurchased a total of 300 million yuan. From a positive perspective, when industrial capital has repurchased, the spring of A shares may not be far away.

Light art

Light art contains a lot of generalizations about the effects of lighting on art and deduction. In the past two years, the light art development of lighting festivals and light shows has become very popular. The lighting festivals around the festival have taken turns, and there is a kind of “you sing me to debut.” “a feeling of. Thanks to the country’s promotion of the night travel economy, everyone can feel that every city is doing the night lighting, and the business enterprises have also sniffed the business opportunities, but they must make the lighting, artistic sense, fashion sense, freshness, and let The audience is satisfied and accepted, which can make the business headaches for a long time. There is no new gameplay in the field of light art in 2019, we will wait and see.

Cultural travel

Since the beginning of the country’s development of characteristic towns in 2016, the characteristic towns seem to have set off a hurricane in the cultural tourism industry. When people have not responded, they have appeared in the people’s field of vision like spring leeks. . The success of the development and operation of the cultural tourism project depends not only on the local policy, but also on people’s “face”. It is true that the characteristic towns are the outlets and breakthroughs of the cultural tourism industry, but when “no features” become the characteristics of the small town project, when the operators think that the project will be completed as long as the money is saved, when the whole industry thinks that the characteristic town has been stable and healthy. At the time of success, a “death list” has been quietly prepared at the same time.

Multi-bar combination

Under the wave of building smart cities across the country, road rectification is the first step in creating an orderly, clean and beautiful high-quality urban environment. Among them, the most action-oriented work is Shanghai’s road realignment work. “Multi-pole integration” is the premise of the development of smart light poles, laying the foundation for the future realization of the road and the wisdom of the city. In 2018, many governments have introduced relevant policies to promote the development of the smart light pole industry. After clarifying the government’s power and responsibility management relationship, clarifying the operation mode, and formulating relevant technical application standards, the smart light pole industry will have a big “action.”

Special lighting

As the international giants gradually withdraw from the general lighting market, the special application areas have begun to receive attention. Osram divested the general lighting to push the car lighting, causing the industry to enter the automotive lighting boom. Local brands such as Sanan Optoelectronics, Jingneng Optoelectronics, Ruifeng Optoelectronics, Foshan Lighting, Hongli Zhihui and other enterprises have entered the market. Hongli Zhihui is even more The development potential demonstrated in the field of automotive lighting has been favored by state-owned enterprises and eventually became a national brand enterprise. Medical lighting, face recognition, etc. are also rapidly heating up by Philips and Osram.


If 2018 is the outbreak of the lighting landscape, then in the project engineering, EPC must be a presence that cannot be ignored. EPC (Engineering Procurement Construction) is a kind of construction mode that conforms to the development of building engineering and is quite vital. Since 2018, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and relevant ministries and commissions have vigorously promoted, lighting design and engineering units have adopted the EPC model, and a new round of general contracting and project management boom has arrived.