According to Indian media reports, India’s Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu set a goal to create a world record in smart street lighting projects and has instructed officials to take steps to launch the Alert Management System (AMS). The AMS system is a global standard delivery mechanism for handling complaints related to LED street lights and giving equal weight to the implementation and maintenance of LED street lights.
According to Indian officials, the AMS system will ensure responsibility among relevant government departments and build confidence in the public so that their complaints can be effectively processed and resolved within the stipulated time, which is the first in India.
Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu said in a conference call that Andhra Pradesh has created a record in India on the LED streetlight project, and the state should focus on achieving world records. He said, “The Gram panchayat LED streetlight project will be the best large rural LED project in the world.”
Currently, the first phase of the LED streetlight project is nearing completion, and the Chief Minister instructs officials that the entire project must be completed by the end of December.
He said, “Our first priority is to satisfy the people and strive to ensure that the satisfaction of the LED streetlight project reaches 100%. The state government has been committed to building infrastructure and providing modern facilities in rural areas.”
It is reported that India Energy Efficiency Services Co., Ltd. (EESL) has installed 1 million LED lamps in the first phase and is preparing to install 1.3 million LED lamps in the second phase. So far, 1.592 million LED street lights have been installed in rural and urban areas, accounting for about a quarter of India’s national LED street lights.